STOP PRESS: Ryedale School achieves award for careers work
Overview of Careers at Ryedale School
At Ryedale School we strive to provide clear careers guidance which must always:
- Inspire and motivate students to work hard in school, laying the foundations to realise their future plans
- Balance ambition with realism
- Offer sensible choices to students who don’t have a specific pathway in mind
- Support the choices of students who do have a pathway they wish to pursue, whilst making them aware of other options
Ways in which Ryedale School will support the above aims:
At Ryedale School we work hard to support these aims, whilst working towards the government recommended Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure that all students are suitably advised and prepared for life after Ryedale School.
Students engage in the following Careers based activities:
Year 7:
- The Trading Game - a careers based project day run in collaboration with NYBEP, which focuses on entrepreneurship.
- Aspire and Achieve Information Evening.
Year 8:
- Aspire and Achieve Information Evening.
- Options assemblies, advice sessions and the options selection process. During the options process students are given information about subjects which may be suitable for certain careers.
- Parents will be informed during options evening and target groups of students will meet with the Careers Leader and members of SLT.
- Careers education sessions within PSHE tutor sessions during the summer term.
Year 9:
- Aspire and Achieve Information Evening.
- A visit to a local university- which will focus on study skills development.
- Opportunity Knocks Careers Fair at Lady Lumley’s School. Run in collaboration with NYBEP, our students will meet local employers face to face.
- A careers based topic within their Learn2 curriculum.
- The Ryman National Enterprise Challenge - a careers based project day run in collaboration with The Inspirational Learning Group UK, which aims to develop business skills.
- RAF fun with flight STEM workshop.
- Participation in 'The Scholars Programme' - 'The Brilliant Club'.
- Participation in the Da Vinci Challenge at Ampleforth College.
Year 10:
- Aspire and Achieve Information Evening
- All students complete a questionnaire regarding their career interests, which provides staff with the relevant knowledge to tailor student’s career advice and guidance.
- Work Experience week- students plan and organise a week in the work place, supported by Ruth Wentworth.
- Mock Interviews with Local Employers- students gain experience of an interview situation, run in collaboration with NYBEP.
- Year 10 work experience and careers fair- located in Ryedale School, this evening involves parents and students meeting with a range of post-16 providers and local employers.
- Explore and Inspire Days- Health and Social Care- an intensive experience for small groups of students with a keen interest in a specific career.
- Explore and Inspire Days- Business Enterprise- an intensive experience for small groups of students with a keen interest in a specific career.
- Personalised career interview- each student in year 10 will have a 1:1 interview with an external careers advisor. Run in collaboration with Prospects
- Careers education sessions within PSHE tutor sessions, linking to the work experience programme and post-16 choices.
- Opportunity to join the North Yorkshire Police Youth Commissioning Service.
- Oxbridge Presentation: Joe Organ from Brasenose College, Oxford attends school accompanied by two current undergraduates to explain the Oxbridge admissions process and inform students about how the two universities operate.
- Participation in 'The Scholars Programme' - 'The Brilliant Club'.
- Participation in the Da Vinci Challenge at Ampleforth College.
Year 11:
- Aspire and Achieve Information Evening.
- All students complete a questionnaire regarding their career interests and likely post 16 destinations, which provides staff with the relevant knowledge to tailor student’s career advice and guidance.
- Careers education sessions within PSHE tutor sessions, linking to post-16 choices and the world of work.
- Form tutor support and guidance with post-16 selection and application process.
- Targeted career interview- student in year 11 who require further support in identifying their post-16 destination will receive further interviews with an external careers advisor. Run in collaboration with Prospects
- Post-16 taster days, talks, interviews and open evenings- students will attend these in order to understand a fuller understanding of post 16 destinations.
- Support and guidance with post-16 interviews.
- Apprenticeship talks and assemblies- in collaboration with NYBEP.
- Continued individual support for apprenticeship route students- in collaboration with NYBEP and Prospects.
- Oxbridge talks.
We also organise a range of Careers based talks and assemblies, recently these have included:
- Presentation by a student doctor about the variety of careers available in medicine.
- Presentation by the Army, Navy and RAF in relation to careers with the military.
- Local apprenticeship opportunities in North Yorkshire Moors National Parks.
- Assemblies with an underwater photographer that focussed on small business ownership.
- We endeavour to utilise the skills and knowledge of ex-students, staff, parents and the local community to inspire and raise the aspirations of all students - if you feel that you have something to offer the schools careers programme, perhaps you would like to take a work experience student, attend our careers fair or offer a careers talk or assembly, please do not hesitate to email Miss Wallis.
We deliver a Careers programme, which reflects the recommendations of the Gatsby report and the Good Career Guidance Benchmarks:
- ‘Good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them.’
- ‘Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future.’
The Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance