What is the Ryedale School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?
Most schools have a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), which is an organisation of parents and staff. Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school and Ryedale School PTA is no exception. We are a registered charity – no. 1040144 and can be found on the Charity Commission website.
PTAs are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide a great opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together and build a strong school community.
How is the Ryedale School PTA organised?
At Ryedale School all parents/ carers and teachers are automatically members of our PTA and can attend our meetings.
Our next PTA meeting is for the committee only and is on June 5th. Any parents/ carers of pupils at the school are very welcome to attend our open meetings. They usually last for around 90mins depending on what is on the agenda/ issues raised. Our next meeting probably will be in the autumn term and we so we look forward to seeing you then. (Minutes of most recent meetings)
From our membership individuals are elected onto the committee.
We hold an annual general meeting at the start of the school year where we elect the committee to run the PTA. We have a chair, vice-chair, treasurer and a secretary as well as ordinary committee members.
We meet at least once a term and set up smaller working groups to organise individual events. We also manage the rota of volunteer helpers who help out at school events where refreshments are offered.
How is money raised?
We raise money through events/refreshment sales and from applications to trusts and foundations. In the past we have run quizzes, auctions and sponsored events. We’re always looking for new fundraising ideas.
How is money spent?
Like most PTAs the funds we raise go towards extras not already provided by the school main income. For several years now the PTA have paid for the annual cost of the school minibus, which is used by all students at various times. Decisions where the funds go rest entirely with the committee, though staff may make suggestions for items that are needed.
What range of skills do the PTA have?
As all parents and carers are members of the PTA our potential skills base is huge. Of course we only know about the skills of those who are kind enough to put themselves forward to help. Currently these include administration, project management, fundraising, social media, accountancy, HR, marketing and PR. We are always on the look out for individuals whose skills could assist us with our fundraising and events programme especially as our main focus for 2017 is the new £2M extension to the school. If you feel you might have something to offer please come along to one of our meetings or contact the chair for an informal discussion.
What are the benefits of getting involved in the PTA?
Simple – it’s great fun! The committee is a lovely bunch of people who are dedicated to supporting the school and make sure they have a great time doing it.
Often at secondary school parents become a bit removed from school life. Your child is more independent and, as a teenager, often more uncommunicative too!! By being a member of the PTA you can keep in touch with school life and as your child spends more time at school than anywhere else that has to be a good thing!
How can you get involved with the Ryedale School PTA?
There are many ways you can support the PTA whether you have lots of time to offer or not. This is because we run events that require quite a lot of organisation and others where you simply need to turn up and lend a hand. Another really simple way to support our fundraising effort can be done from the comfort of your armchair! The school has signed up with EasyFundraising.co.uk – a scheme where major retailers donate a proportion of the profit they make from your purchases to the school – you can find out more here. We have over 100 parents signed up and it is raising vital funds for the school (more than £2,000 to date) so please do sign up and support your children.
If you would like to find out more please contact the Chair on 01751 430116:
PTA Member | Role |
Gareth Jenkins | Chair |
Joanne Kelsay | Secretary |
Rick Eve | Treasurer |
Mark McCandless | Headteacher |
Helen Coulthard | Staff – Finance Director |
Lizzie Coutts | Vice Chair |
Beki Palmer-Bunting | Parent |
Keren Redshaw | Parent |
Ted Schofield | Parent |
Heather Leggett | Parent |