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SEN Information Report

Ryedale School – Sep 2014

Ryedale School seeks to provide a secure, yet challenging environment where all young people will achieve their full potential, regardless of any difficulty they may have in accessing the curriculum.

We shall endeavour to integrate pupils with a wide range of special educational needs as fully as possible into the educational and social life of the school, encouraging them to feel valued, happy and active members of the school community.

We recognise that all staff share the responsibility for recognising and supporting pupils’ special educational needs, and that a teamwork approach will provide the security and balance needed by pupils requiring extra support for their learning.

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North Yorkshire LA expectation of good practice

School Offer

Universal Provision High quality support for learning within mainstream lessons is the most important factor in helping pupils with SEND to make good progress alongside their peers. Your school will be able to describe some of the approaches that classroom teachers and other staff will be using throughout the day to help address your child’s needs within lessons. They may also be able to share with you the school’s overall plan of support (provision map), which outlines many of these strategies. The school must have a named governor who holds the school to account for making good provision for pupils with SEND. SEN students are tracked through whole school systems and are monitored carefully to check progress. Where progress is not being made, we identify students and then use the ‘Graduated Approach’ (as outlined in the new SEN Code of Practice) to identify significant learning needs and set ambitious targets to maximise progress.Staff are regularly monitored through observations and ‘focus weeks’ as we recognise that high quality, differentiated teaching within the classroom is the most effective way of maximizing progress. Wave 1 Classroom Provision Maps (and if necessary, the more extensive Provision Menus) suggest approaches that staff could adopt to ensure the needs of pupils with specific SEN are being met. Individual Provision Maps are used for pupils with higher levels of special educational need including those pupils with an Education Health Care Plan.Teaching and support staff attend in house training on key areas of SEN. This has included: Dyslexia, Readability, Autism and Effective use of Teaching Assistants. Half termly whole school ‘focus weeks’ are used to monitor use of these strategies within the classroom and establish further training requirements. Outside agencies and speakers regularly visit school to bring additional expertise and training. This includes ASCOSS (Autism Outreach), our local EMS school for Learning Difficulties, and Hearing and Vision support staff from NYCC.Core subjects are taught in ability groups where lowest sets have significantly smaller numbers and therefore higher teacher to student ratios. This can also be complemented by effective TA support as directed by the classroom teacher and Head of Department. Although TA support is available, we aim to encourage independence in all our students, including those with SEN, wherever possible.Students are actively encouraged to take part in the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer to develop social skills and become an integral part of the school community. Additional support groups are available including literacy and numeracy based interventions, plus social interventions where identified.

Our SEN Governors are currently Mr Simon Read and Mrs Sue Balf: both of whom meet regularly with SLT and SENCo.


Recording Provision Where the school feels that something additional or different is needed to support your child because they have SEND they will discuss this carefully with you. This information may well be recorded in a document for you and your child, known as an individual provision map or an individual education plan. This should include:-• details of any strategies being used to support your child in class;• details of any extra support or interventions for your child• your child’s learning targets;• the next date when your child’s progress will be reviewed. The majority of pupils’ needs are met by high quality differentiated classroom provision. As outlined above, appropriate support and intervention is available.We take into consideration a wide variety of factors before placing any student on the SEN Register. Students may have an SEN but not be placed on the register if they are making good progress in the classroom and all staff are aware, through information sharing and Wave 1 Provision Maps, of the individual pupil’s needs.However, if a student is making inadequate progress and is, in consultation with class teachers, SENCo and parents, judged to have a significant learning difficulty, these pupils will have a detailed Individual Provision Map and be placed upon the register.Sources of information to inform such judgment may include:

  • Whole school and departmental tracking systems.
  • Referrals from classroom teachers, HoDs and Form Tutors.
  • Data; including CATs testing scores, annual testing of literacy such as reading comprehension and spelling,
  • Information and advice from relevant outside agencies.

The form tutor in the first instance is responsible for implementing a ‘Graduated Approach’, supported by SLT and SENCo, to identify areas of need and to set deliberately ambitious targets for the student. Advice on appropriate interventions and strategies is sought and targets reviewed at least termly. Parents and students are an integral part of these review meetings.

It is important to note that students can receive additional support and interventions as part of whole school provision and this would not automatically place them on our SEN Register.

Interventions Schools use a range of evidence based interventions to support pupils with SEND to make better progress. Interventions are structured learning programmes. Your school will be able to explain to you:

  • what interventions your child is receiving and what are the intended learning outcomes;
  • when during the week any interventions will be delivered and for how many weeks;
  • who will be delivering the interventions (usually a well trained teaching assistant) and where (e.g. in class or outside the classroom)
  • how the interventions will relate to and support learning in the classroom;
  • how they will be monitored closely to make sure they are helping your child to make accelerated progress.
Whole School, Departmental and individual interventions are available and recorded on our Whole School Provision Map. Pupils may receive interventions as part of small groups or individually. Interventions can form part of high quality classroom teaching. Any pupils placed upon the SEN Register may receive an intervention provided by school or as advised by the relevant outside agency. All interventions are monitored closely for impact.Additional Opportunities, Support and Interventions are outlined below:

( Key Stage 3 and/or 4 dependent – revised annually)

  • ‘Morning Club’ is available in our Learning Resource Centre from 8.15 a.m. Here pupils can work quietly and/or seek advice on appropriate topics. A TA mentor is available to address issues.
  • Individual departmental interventions and support opportunities.
  • Small group/individual literacy support
  • Social/Emotional Literacy support
  • Mentoring/homework support
  • One to One Tuition in Literacy and Maths
  • Paired Reading
  • Counselling sessions
  • Reading Intervention
  • Inference Intervention
  • Lexia programme
  • Year 11 ‘Buddy’ Mentors
  • Advice on keeping up with coursework and revision, where appropriate
  • Work-related learning opportunities/personalised curriculum for pupils unlikely to cope with the demands of a full Key Stage 4 curriculum
  • Entry Level Certificate/Functional Skills ASDAN/CoPE courses as an alternative to GCSE (where appropriate)
  • Smaller teaching groups in most core curriculum subjects
  • Consideration, where appropriate, for ‘Access Arrangements’ for internal and external examinations. Pupils and parents are advised where this is likely.
  • In class support where appropriate
  • ‘Study Club’ sessions.


Extra Adult Support There may be occasions when the school feels that some additional support within lessons may help your child to make better progress. This is by no means always the case. However, if some additional small group or one to one support within lessons is planned, the school will explain how this will work, what the aims of this support will be and how and when the impact of this support will be reviewed. Most importantly, this support should be aiming to make your child more independent in lessons. We aim to maximise the independence of all students including those with SEN at Ryedale School. Teaching Assistant support may be deployed (as outlined previously) to maximise progress of SEN students within the classroom. Deployment is initially made by Head of Department and class teachers considering the individual pupil needs within their classroom. SENCo advice and support is also an integral part of this process.Additional adult support is also available outside the classroom through homework clubs, mentoring, morning clubs and extra-curricular opportunities.
Expected progress All pupils with SEND should make at least expected progress, in line with their peers. Your school will be able to explain how it will be monitoring your child’s progress to ensure that it is at least in line with expectations. This will usually include progress made with personal targets, and overall progress with National Curriculum levels. Progress of all pupils is tracked termly through whole school system systems. Both ‘Attitude to Learning’ and progress are tracked and interventions implemented where required. These are in line with national expectations – however we aim to set challenging and ambitious targets for all pupils, including those with SEN. Termly tracking reports are sent to parents in addition to full written report during the academic year.Pupils identified as having an ‘Additional SEN’ or an Education Health Care Plan will be reviewed in line with the new Code of Practice. Parents/carers and pupils will be involved with target setting and review meetings. Initially these reviews will be co-ordinated by the pupils’ form tutor who has an overview of pupil progress, under guidance from SENCo and Senior Support Staff.Teachers collaborate in order to develop best practice in the classroom, and this is facilitated by the work of leading practitioners within the school. Assessment data on students informs a personalised approach to teaching and learning to ensure that the learning needs of all are met. The quality of teaching and learning is monitored closely as part of school self-evaluation processes. In addition, teachers from Ryedale School are collaborating with colleagues from other schools in order to share best practice with other educational institutions.
Inclusion Quality Mark Many North Yorkshire schools have used our Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) to evaluate how successfully they include all learners, including those with SEND. The IQM allows schools to show how they are benefiting different groups of learners, and how their outcomes are improving as a result of their work. A full list of North Yorkshire schools currently holding the IQM is available. Schools who do not hold the IQM should demonstrate their commitment to Equality in line with the Equality Act 2010 and in line with their school’s aims and vision statement. We provide a secure, inclusive framework in which all students can grow academically and socially. We believe every child should have the opportunity to excel and develop their potential to the full. Our extensive range of extra-curricular activities develops skills, interests, relationships and most importantly, the students’ enjoyment of school life and learning.All pupils are encouraged to take a full part in these extra-curricular opportunities including annual ‘Venture Courses’.There is a huge range of extra-curricularopportunities taking place throughout the year and

currently includes:

Craft Club, Fitness, Football, Hockey, Homework Club, ICT, Junior Jazz, Jazz Band, Junior Dance, Senior Dance, Lego Club, Library Resource Centre, Morning Club, Netball, Reading Club, Rock Club, GCSE Geography, Additional Maths, Art Club, Chess Club, Food Club, Girls’ Football, Senior Singing, Arts Award, Badminton, Hockey, String Group, Latin, Warhammer, Rugby, Cricket, Junior Singing, Graphic Novels Club, , Basketball, Cross Country, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Music Theory Club, Girls Chamber Choir, GCSE Music Coursework, House matches, Games Club, Italian for beginners, Study clubs KS3 and KS4, Senior Boys and Staff Football Club.

Support from other agencies The Local Authority offers a range of specialist support and outreach services, including educational psychologists and local enhanced mainstream schools, to help schools to deliver appropriate support and interventions, Other specialists such as speech and language therapists can also support schools in this. If the school feels that the involvement of another agency will help them to meet your child’s needs you will be informed and asked to give your consent. As required, we source advice and support from a variety of outside agencies. Currently this can include:

  • ASCOSS- Autism Outreach Service.
  • Sensory, Physical and Medical Support staff from NYCC.
  • EMS support – Specific Learning Needs- based at Lady Lumley’s School
  • External Counselling
  • Targeted Youth Support Advisors
  • Parent Support Advisors
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Occupational Therapists

In addition, our school Nurse, Mrs Jill Lane, works closely with school and parents/carer to support pupils. She can be contacted via school or Pickering Health Clinic.

NB. Some of these agencies are referred through external routes such as G.P. and not by school directly.

We also proud of our comprehensive transition process and close links with our feeder primary schools. All Year 6 students are invited to activities such as literacy afternoons, sporting events, drama performances and full induction day throughout Year 6. The SENCo attends transition review meetings as required and can liaise with any Year 6 parents or schools where students with SEN are identified. Additional visits for SEN and other vulnerable students are also arranged as part of the familiarisation process.

On-going communication with parents Schools communicate regularly with parents, usually once a term, to discuss how well their child is doing. For pupils with SEND it is often desirable that there is more frequent communication as it is vital that parents and school work together closely. Your knowledge and understanding of your child’s needs is essential to support the school in making the best provision for them. This should also take account of your and your child’s hopes, personal goals and interests. This will allow the school to regularly explain to you where your child is in their learning, and to work with you to ensure the most appropriate targets are set to ensure progress. You should be informed about the National Curriculum levels at which your child is working. If you are not sure what these mean, don’t be afraid to ask.On-going communication with school may include:

  • regular contact through a home-school book or by e-mail to keep you informed of things that are going well or particular successes
  • more regular meetings to update you on your child’s progress and whether the support is working
  • clear information about the impact of any interventions
  • guidance for you to support your child’s learning at home.
Whole school reports and communication with parents/carers occurs at least termly. For those students identified as having an EHCP or additional SEN needs, as identified on our SEN register, parents/carers are fully involved in all review meetings.The majority of students with an SEN will not be placed on the SEN Register as they should have their needs met through high quality Wave 1 classroom teaching. Staff attend regular training on particular SEN conditions. Fortnightly pupil/SEN bulletins also ensure staff have the most current information/strategies to support individuals within their classroom. Access to key information on pupils and strategies for particular SEN conditions within the classroom, are available on our Provision Maps.Additional communication is via our home to school planners where pupils record homework, organisational details and parents/carers are encouraged to comment on any areas of concern. These are then passed by form tutors to relevant members of pastoral team to follow up and act upon.Parents /carers are encouraged to call the school with any concerns where their enquiry will be passed on to the member of staff best placed to assist.
Inclusion Passport Many schools use inclusion passports. This is a document that summarises the support that has been given to a pupil over a period of time, and the difference that this support has made. You may like to ask your child’s school whether an inclusion passport would be useful for you and your child. Your child may well have their own version which they can share with staff and which can help to explain their interests and things that help them learn and to enjoy school. Pupils with specific SEN needs are placed on our ‘Aware’ list and strategies to support these pupils and SEN conditions are made available through staff training and Wave 1 provision mapping.Students with an E.H.C.P. or on the SEN Register as having an ‘Additional Needs’ will have an individual information page, personalised from Inclusion Passports guidance.Some high need pupils may also have an individual pupil passport they can share with staff and other adults if they choose and again, is available on our Whole School Provision Map for staff to access.
Parent Partnership A Parent Partnership Co-ordinator can be contacted through North Yorkshire’s education offices or on 0845 034 9469. The Parent Partnership Coordinators can offer impartial advice and support which could include making a home visit to listen to any concerns you may have, or attending meetings with you. They may also be able to put you in touch with other organisations or parent support groups. NYCC Parent Partnership Service gives impartial advice for any parent of a child with Special Educational Needs. They can be contacted on: 01609 current Parent Partnership Officer is Sue Gibbons who can be contacted on the above number.
Statutory Assessment For a very few children more help will be needed than is normally available through the school’s own resources. Schools, parents and other agencies may decide that it is necessary to request a statutory assessment through the local authority. Your school, or a Parent Partnership Co-ordinator can talk to you about this in more detail. A small number of students may require an Education Health Care Plan (previously known as ‘Statements’). Any decision to apply for E.H.C.P. is made in full consultation with parents/carers and school. This is only used when all support strategies and the ‘Graduated Approach’ to supporting students with ‘Additional’ needs, has been used.
Key contacts All mainstream schools have a SENCo. They, along with your child’s class teacher, will be able to discuss your child’s needs with you, the support for learning that the school is providing to meet their needs, and what expectations the school has for your child’s progress. Key contacts in school:

  • Mrs D Wilkinson SENCo
  • Katherine Underwood SEN Lead
  • Form Tutors

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